Artist statement

Stijn Terpstra (b. 2000) is a visual artist, based in the Netherlands. He obtained his Bachelor of Arts from St. Joost School of Art & Design in Breda and is currently pursuing a Master's degree in Comparative Arts and Media Studies from the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Besides his artistic practice, he works as a freelance exhibition designer and commissioned photographer.

His work revolves around the exploration of phenomena intersecting nature, technology, and human perception, often questioning how these fields are interconnected. Through image-based projects he translates human curiosity and scientific research into his own visual language, challenging the speculative boundaries of the photographic medium. The result of this imaginative process constructs stories full of visual traces, which refer to the core of his fascination in an often-associative manner. These stories take shape as installations, mixing still images, videos, and 3D objects.

For inquiries:
︎ +31 625 201 320
︎ @stijnterpstra


2024- Currently / MA Comparative Arts and Media Studies Pre-Master, VU Amsterdam
2023-2024 / Pre-Master Comparative Arts and Media Studies, VU Amsterdam 
2018-2022 / Photography and Film BA, St. Joost School of Art & Design
2020-2021 / KASK & Conservatorium / School of Arts Ghent, 2BA Photography
2017-2018 / Preliminary program St. Joost, Den Bosch / Breda


2021 - Currently / Assistant curator, Iris Sikking, Amsterdam
2021 / Internship curator, Iris Sikking, Amsterdam


2023 / Kunstenaarsinitiatief B93, ‘From dusk ‘till dawn’, Enschede
2022 /
Dutch Design Week, Class of ‘22, Klokgebouw
2022 / Graduation St. Joost School of Art & Design: Now show
2021 / Noorderlicht international photo festival, Sugar factory Groningen 2021: The Makeable Mind
2021 / Fotoasiel, St. Joost School of Art & Design (self organized)
2021 /
NS16 tilburg group exhibition ‘nieuwe wegen, oude sporen’
2020 / Noorderlicht international photo festival, Groningen 2020: Generation Z
2019 / RUIS online exhibition, St. Joost film & photo. Live interview ‘Interne ruis’


2022 / 
Finalists of Blurring the Lines 2022 Edition


2023 / The Annihilation of Space and Time, Zero Feedback
2022 /
Blurring the lines catalog 2022
2022 / Graduation research paper. St. Joost School of Art & Design.


2022 / ‘Former Avans Students Present Their Graduation Project at Dutch Design Week" - PuntAvans
2021 / "Students from St. Joost Tell About Tilburg Through Photos and Films" - Algemeen Dagblad